Introduction to Laser Resonatiors, From UV to Far FIR. Custom-made is possible.
Introduction to various kinds of products, from mirror for laser to polarizer.
Introduction of different kinds of spectrometers.
Introduction to nonlinear optical crystals of a variety of makers' such as KDP/BBO for laser.
Introduction to various kinds of products such as a Power Meter for laser.
Introduction to all sorts of laser peripheral equipments.
Introduction to various products such as powder for carbon nano-tube.
Introduction to gas generator such as permeation.
Introduction to various sizes such as Xe Flash lamp for pulse laser.
Introduction to a variety of laser dye such as for UV and IR.
Introduction to EO/AO Q Switch・Modulator of a variety of makers.
Introduction to isolators such as a isolator for laser which has high level of isolation.
Introduction to many kinds of products from a resonator for laser to an optical bench.
Introduction to all sorts of power supplys such as an accelerator.
Introduction of a device for laser ablation and so on. Custom-made is possible.
We design or make systems on your needs. Here are some examples from the past.